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This page gives details of every item held in the library, in library number order from 5379 to end.
Not every possible number is allocated, so the numbers are not necessarily consecutive.
Library Abstracts Part 1 - items 0001 to 2863
Library Abstracts Part 2 - items 2864 to 5378
Where the library number is a link (underlined) clicking on it shows a scan of the item (in pdf format).
Not every item is available to view online, owing to copyright restrictions, but they are all available for members to borrow.
Some browsers will not display the files through the direct links from this page.
If the direct link does not work, the files can be found in library number order on the following pages:
In addition, The British North America Philatelic Society's Horace W. Harrison Online Library makes available online issues of BNA Topics including many referenced here.
A note about copyright:
We gratefully acknowledge the permission granted by The Perfins Club to reproduce material published by them, including their periodicals "Perfins" and "The Perfins Bulletin" (the latter appearing as "Perf. Bull." in the listing that follows) - the copyright for these items remains with The Perfins Club.
All other items available as pdf files on this page are either copyright The Perfin Society or are believed to be out of copyright. If you are the copyright holder for any item linked from this page and you object to the use of your material in this way please contact us.