Signed in as:
William Hall is our Auctioneer
The society usually holds 3 or 4 postal auctions each year.
Last auction : Auction 139 closed on 14th March 2025.
Each auction contains over 300 lots, covering a wide range of perfin and commercial overprint material of all countries. Members of the Society can bid in the auction, and also sell lots through the auction. Commission is charged to vendors and the income generated is used to keep the subscription fees low.
Previous auctions with prices realised:
Auction 138 closed 10th January 2025
Auction 137 - closed 13th September 2024
Auction 136 - closed 4th May 2024
Older auctions are shown below as pdf files
PDF format to download and type in your bids to email to the auctioneer.
Revised July 2022
1. Postal bids must be on a Bid Form or a photocopy. All details must be provided unless marked
‘optional’. Bids by email are welcome provided the same details are given. Telephone or ‘Buy’ bids
will not be accepted.
2. Bids will be recorded in strict order of receipt. In the event of equal highest bids, the earliest received
bid will win the lot. Unsuccessful bidders will be notified if they provide an email address or a
stamped self-addressed envelope.
3. Bids will advance in 10p steps. Lots will be sold to the highest bidder. The price will be either the
bid made or one bid step more than the next highest bid, whichever is lower. If only one bid is
received, the lot will be sold at the reserve price. All reserve prices are in GBP (£).
4. Members may place a spending limit on their bids. Any limit must be stated on the Bid Form. Once
the limit has been reached, all subsequent bids will be ignored. If placing a limit, bids must be listed
in order of preference, otherwise please list in lot number order.
5. Despatch of lots will start as soon as possible after the auction closing date. 2nd Class post will be
used unless otherwise requested on the Bid Form or otherwise at the Auctioneer’s discretion. Postage
& packing will be charged to the buyer.
6. An invoice will be sent to each bidder with payment instructions. The Society reserves the right to
require payment for auction purchases before delivery takes place. ALL payments must be made
to the Treasurer, not the Auctioneer. Postage stamps are not accepted as payment.
7. If the buyer thinks that any lot has been incorrectly described, then the lot must be returned as soon
as possible. The reason for non-acceptance must be stated and a Certificate of Posting should be
obtained. A full refund will be given for incorrectly described lots.
8. The Auctioneer reserves the right to refuse lots which in their opinion are unsuitable e.g. covers or
postcards with no identity, badly damaged stamps with partial perfins, non-perfin material excluding
security overprints & where appropriate to split or combine lots or alter descriptions.
9. Vendors must lot all items using secure display cards or envelopes. Covers must be in a protective
outer cover to allow for marking with a lot number. Vendors must also supply a list of their lots with
a full description including total number of stamps, number of damaged stamps, and the required
reserve price. An email address or a stamped self-addressed envelope must be supplied if an
acknowledgement of receipt is required.
10. There is no buyer’s premium. Commission of 5% will be charged to vendors. Vendors and buyers are responsible for the payment of any bank or PayPal fees that are imposed on payments received or sent and for import taxes on lots being received or posted from vendors or to buyers.
11. Lots will not be sold below the reserve price without the prior agreement of the vendor.
12. Unsold material will be returned to the vendors as soon as possible.
13. Payments by the Society will be in GBP (£) usually by cheque drawn on the Society’s UK bank.
14. The Society and its Officers accept no responsibility for loss or damage to material, although
reasonable care will be taken to avoid any loss or damage.
15. By submitting bids to this auction, bidders confirm that they accept the terms & conditions contained
within these Perfin Society Auction Rules.
Auction payments can be sent by the following methods:
§ Cheques in Sterling drawn on a UK bank should be made payable to ‘The Perfin Society’ and posted to the (Hon. Secretary/Treasurer): Stephen Steere, 1 Nicolson Road, Orpington, Kent. BR5 4EH.
(Please do NOT put Secretary or Treasurer on the envelope, thank you.)
§ Direct UK bank transfer to the Society account with Lloyds Bank; The Perfin Society, sort code 30-99-08, number 22724660, Reference (abbreviated reason and your surname), but please email Stephen as well. Bank transfers from other countries are very expensive and would involve you paying the sending & receiving charges in total about £30.00.
§ By PayPal using the email address of or Members are required to add a fee to the total, see below, to cover PayPal charges.
§ Cash can be sent at the member’s own risk, however as so many people have put Treasurer in my address that I find mail often shows signs of being tampered with, so it is not advisable.
Please note that the Society will not accept GB decimal postage stamps for payment of auctions.
PayPal can be used for payment of all Society purchases, though you must stipulate your intention on the Auction Bid form. All PayPal payments are subject to a charge of £1 for amounts up to and including £20, and 5% on amounts above that. You can however set up a payment at your end where no fee is charged to us, in those cases do not add the fee and put a note on the payment. The following email addresses can be used with PayPal, or