Any collector of perfins or other security endorsements anywhere in the world is welcome to join us.
As a member of the Society, you will receive the following benefits:
- Receive 6 Bulletins per year.
- Buy and sell in the Society's auctions.
- Borrow from our extensive library.
- Buy our publications at reduced members' rates.
People joining the Society agree to abide by the Rules of the Society.
The Society's secretary Stephen Steere deals with membership enquiries.
Contact Stephen at with your email address and he will send you a free sample copy of our Bulletin.
The subscription depends on where you live and reflects the differing cost of mailings. If you pay by cheque or bank transfer the rates for one year are:
Anywhere in the World - Bulletins sent by email - £10 (preferred membership option due to high postal costs)
UK - Bulletins sent 2nd class post - £15.10
Rest of Europe - Bulletins sent Airmail - £26.80
Rest of World - Bulletins sent Airmail - £26.80
Rest of World - Bulletins sent surface mail - £23.20 (not available in Europe)
The basic subscription rate will reduce by £4 from 1st September 2025.
Rates are slightly higher if paying via PayPal.
The subscription year runs from 1st September to 31st August. If you join now you will be a member until 31st August 2026.
If you pay by cheque or bank transfer you will pay the following for membership until 31st August 2026:
Anywhere in the World - Bulletins sent by email - £11.00 (preferred membership option due to high postal costs)
UK - Bulletins sent 2nd class post - £18.65
Rest of Europe - Bulletins sent Airmail - £36.20
Rest of World - Bulletins sent Airmail - £36.20
Rest of World - Bulletins sent surface mail - £34.40 (not available in Europe)
(The above prices include 9 months at the 2024/25 rate and a year at the lower 2025/26 rate)
If you choose to have paper Bulletins posted to you, an electronic copy can also be emailed to you at no extra charge on request.
If you receive paper Bulletins then you will also receive paper copies of auctions.
Use the buttons below to join us using PayPal, or to use a different payment method, please email Stephen at .
Membership until 31st August 2026.
Includes Bulletins delivered by email.
Membership until 31st August 2026.
Includes printed Bulletins sent by 2nd class post.
Membership until 31st August 2026.
Includes printed Bulletins sent by airmail.
Membership until 31st August 2026.
Includes printed Bulletins sent by airmail.
Membership until 31st August 2026.
Includes printed Bulletins sent by economy (surface) mail.
Delivery can take up to 12 weeks.
1. NAME.
The Society shall be called The Perfin Society
• To encourage the collection and study of postage and other stamps and postal stationery which has been specially treated so as to protect their owners against misuse or theft, whether by perforation, under or overprinting or any other means.
• To encourage original research into the principles, history, and machinery connected with such protection.
• To achieve, through collective and individual efforts of its members, recognition that such collection, study and research is a branch of serious philately.
• To hold meetings, conduct postal auctions and sales and promote such other activities as may be for the benefit of members.
• Membership of the Society shall be open to persons of any status, age, sex or nationality.
• Applications for membership shall be submitted to the Secretary.
• The Secretary may, at his/her discretion, admit applicants to membership, but if there is any doubt concerning a particular application, the matter shall be referred to the Committee.
• The Officers shall have the right to refuse membership without giving a reason.
• The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by the Officers who shall comprise the President, Secretary/Treasurer, Auctioneer, Bulletin Editor, Catalogue Editor, Librarian and Webmaster.
• Officers shall continue in office until they relinquish office for any reason. Volunteers for that office shall then be requested in the Bulletin. If there are two or more volunteers, the choice shall be made by the other Officers.
• All offices are honorary but officials shall have their subscriptions waived.
• The subscriptions payable by all members (other than Officers and Honorary Life Members) shall be such sum as the Officers shall decide and is due on 1st September each year. Acceptable methods of payment together with any additional charges for foreign transactions will be shown on the Subscription renewal form.
• A member whose subscription is not paid by 31st December shall be deemed to have lapsed their membership, and any bids placed in a current auction will be cancelled. A member wishing to renew membership after lapsing shall pay any arrears of subscription.
• The Officers shall have the power to elect as Honorary Life Member, with no subsequent payment of subscription, any person, who in the Officers opinion has rendered valuable service to the Society which merits this honour.
• Meetings shall be held in London in April or May and October or November each year. The latter shall be regarded as the Annual General Meeting although it is recognised that geographical difficulties prevent most members from attending. Any member wishing to propose a change in the conduct of the Society shall do so in writing to the Secretary by the 30th September. If this is trivial in nature the action required shall be decided by those present at the meeting. Fundamental decisions shall be made by the result of a postal ballot organised by the Secretary by notice in the Bulletin.
• Other provincial meetings may be held on an ad-hoc basis.
• The Secretary/Treasurer shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society and shall have custody of all documents and records belonging to the Society. He/she shall be responsible for all monies and shall keep records thereof.
• The monies held by the Treasurer over and above that estimated to be required in the current year may be invested at his/her discretion, with the approval of the other Officers.
• No interest will be payable on members credit held by the Society. Any interest earned will be considered a donation to Society funds.
• The Society may be dissolved by the consent of 75% of the members who shall have replied to a letter sent by the Officers of the Society to all members proposing the dissolution, such consent being testified by their signature to an instrument of dissolution in a form provided by the Society. If, on the dissolution of the Society, there remains, after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, such property shall be disposed of to a charity or other non-profitable organisation specified in the instrument of dissolution, but that so no member shall profit individually from such disposal.
• Every member shall be entitled to receive free of charge a copy of the Society's Bulletin which shall be produced every two months or at such other interval as the Editor may decide.
• The Editor shall be responsible for the preparation, production and despatch of the Bulletin. The decision of the Editor as to what material is or is not suitable for publication and all matters affecting the Bulletin shall be final.
• The Catalogue Editor shall be responsible for the maintenance of records of perfin dies and the identities of users of perfins, details of which shall be notified to him by members.
• The Catalogue Editor shall arrange for lists of such perfins and identities to be published. The decision of the Editor as to what material is or is not suitable for publication and all matters affecting the Catalogue shall be final.
· All publications are now only available in a digital format.
· All orders should be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer who will advise on the total cost including postage if relevant.
· Full payment for publications shall be made directly to the Secretary/Treasurer prior to despatch of any items.
· Payments can be made by UK cheque, Bank Transfer, Wise Internet Bank if all charges are paid up front, PayPal plus any charges imposed by the Society, unless a member uses Friends & Family and all fees are paid for upfront if applicable.
· Publications other than the Sloper USB are available for sale to non-members at £5 above Society member prices.
• The Society shall maintain a library of books and articles etc. which are relevant to the activities of the Society. They shall be held in the custody of the Librarian.
• All such items shall be available on loan to members, on written application to the Librarian, subject to such rules, conditions and payment as the Librarian shall decide and the other Officers shall ratify.
• The Webmaster shall maintain a Society web site for the purposes of promoting the Society and providing a point of reference for members.
• The Webmaster shall, subject to the approval of the other Officers, have absolute discretion as to the content, maintenance, costs and all other matters.
• The Society shall maintain an Auction through which members may buy and sell stamps and other material.
• The Auctioneer shall, subject to the approval of the other Officers, have absolute discretion as to the conditions, rules, commission and all other matters.
• All payments shall be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer upon receipt of an auction invoice.